Emotional Support Animals
I often see in pet groups people asking about service animals, therapy animals and emotional support animals (ESA). Sadly there is alot...
The importance of a proper quarantine!
This was first posted on my old blog on November 10, 2015 I would say by far most pet rat owners do not use a proper quarantine when...
Switching to Aspen
This was first posted on my old blog on March 13 2016 So I very recently decided to switch all of my rats over to aspen bedding and I...
On the word "Adoption"
I have seen the topic brought up countless times on if breeders should use the term adoption or not. Should adoption only refer to pets...
New Site!
I am excited to have moved to our brand new website! I will slowly be copying/updating some older blog posts from the old site over to...
Future Litters Planned
I wanted to let everyone know our plans for the litters we have planned for the rest of this year. These are my current plans for...

My Current Litter-BLUE16CMB84
Introducing Litter BLUE16CMB84 to the world! Our doe Charlie gave birth to 4 lovely babies on May 20th 2016. Mom & babies are doing very...